Thursday, February 27, 2020

One of the major strengths of the culture metaphor rests in the fact Essay

One of the major strengths of the culture metaphor rests in the fact that it directs attention to the symbolicsignificance of even the most rational parts of organisational life [Gareth Morgan, 1986] - Essay Example It is in this uniqueness that the significance of organizational culture resides; in this formulation, â€Å"culture† contains the seeds of distinction that can differentiate a given organization from its competitors in the market, resulting in success or failure. Culture is not only the opposite of rationality; it transcends rationality and becomes the something extra that brings a necessary human element to organization, imbuing an abstract collective with identity, personality and â€Å"a face.† This opposition, and its transcendence, has been at the heart of all analyses of â€Å"culture† dating back to the early days of the discipline of Anthropology in which â€Å"other,† seemingly irrational foreign cultures were investigated by Western academics and researchers, whose goal was to discern the underlying and apparently unapparent rationality. In this original formulation, culture both obscures rationality and gives it its unique form; the same holds true for the analysis of business and organization. Organisational culture is both a product of formal organizational rules and structures, and also helps to produce the structures themselves, both formally and in their practical function. Like all cultures, organizational cultures have subcultures as well as practices and values that directly contradict the stated values and norms of a given organisaton. Both the relationships between organizational culture and the larger structure of an organization, as well as the relationship between formal â€Å"values† and the values as practiced by employees, managers or other organizational figures are best investigated through direct, analytical observation, an anthropological practices known as â€Å"ethnography.† An example of the relationship between organizational culture and formal structures as mutually reinforcing systems may

Monday, February 10, 2020

Reflection paper on a five-hour kindergarten observation Essay

Reflection paper on a five-hour kindergarten observation - Essay Example Reflection paper on a five-hour kindergarten observation My visits transpired on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, staying for the duration of five hours in total, which is the required number of hours for the activity. During the first day, I read to the class a story of three children of various ethnicities. One is John, a British, Chi, Japanese, and Alex, an African. It was a story about friendship and sharing. I flipped pictures from time to time in order to make the story-telling more interesting. This strategy is in synergy with considerations for pluralistic perspective in education, which takes into account the concept of multicultural education. The strategy I used to encourage children to appreciate each individuality and diversity of one another through exposing them to readings about cultural diversity is attuned to the concept of multicultural education, which fosters the understanding of diversify (Fu, [please enter the year]). On the same day, we conducted a group activity with the children where they would build a castle out of cubes and triangles. Each team had three members, making a total of five teams. The composition of each team is diverse, since it is a diverse class. Each team showed their finished products and each one explained what they contributed in the building of the castle. They were happy and laughing while doing their castles, making sure that theirs was the most beautiful one. It seemed like a pleasant experience for them. This activity is attuned to the concept of multicultural education.